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I cant waiiitttttt


An absolute gripping game, can't wait to see what happens next! (Ilya kinda cute tbh.... like i know they r a traitor n all but.... just a silly dude...)


Whens the next update?


very soon, 20th of march, although it is only a rewrite of chapter one. 


Its ok i dont mind replaying again 

This is so well made


i wanna kiss Rhian on the mouth


it be like that

the way that i was so hooked and immersed with the way the story goes that i was sadly begging more when i saw that it's a demo. i was in the zone with how the mc was feeling, like i was getting frustrated with them (which was the point bcos it's a reader-insert story). i can't wait to see how this story goes!

Loved the way the immersion felt so real and intense, especially with the betrayal and the feelings of frustration's MC had to go through. Excited to see how things shape out for the next chapter, and to see how MC will fare when nothing went to plan at all.

I came back and play again lmao love your game!!😭💕💕💓 hope you are doing okay💓💓


They surprisingly made my blood boil, love it.


I am genuinely so excited to see this update and expand! I'm extremely bummed that I got here so early on in the building process, but I'm also kind of excited to watch as this thing grows with time and how the writing style changes! Super hyped to see where you take this story! Can't wait for more! Keep us the amazing work!

(6 edits)

Dang that is good!  I hope to see more.  Curious what they going to do with my guy...  (Least my first play so far he's in quite a pickle at the end of chapter 1 lol. Although he may see if as 'not personal', he did try to kill all three after they interfered in his job, so not the greatest start with them. I look forward to seeing how that turns out lol  

And loved how the character was able to be 'impressed', appreciate their skill while fighting them :D

Anyways I hope that isn;t to much info (spoiler?)



Is the next update coming soon? ;0

Rhian and Ilya already have my full love already it's going to be painful to choose one of their routes over the other😭💔


I enjoyed reading this story I wish you luck


This was so good I felt all the emotions so vividly and the plot and characters!!!! just!!! chefs kiss. Thank you for putting this out there! Your writing is amazing.


Why do I feel like this would make for a really good series on something like HBO Max or Netflix. Seriously though, like this is really good. 

Okay, I've read your pronoun fix thing, but the problem is that when i set them in the popup screen that comes up there is no button to go back to the page with the gender selector to click next, and if I just click of the screen or hit x it doesn't save and the error message shows up on the next page. Sorry for complaining, otherwise your game is great, i just didn't see anyone actually answer properly how to do this from the position I'm in, just that they need to set them.

If you scroll to the bottom of the popup there should be a button that says next and it should take you back to the page with your pronouns set!


Oooh, okay, the problem was I didn't have my mouse plugged in. So thank you, but also just to let you know you can't actually set pronouns if you don't have a mouse, which probably doesn't happen much but you might want to check? Or maybe I'm just an idiot and there's some other way to scroll that I just don't know, in which case sorry to bother you.


i like alzurahm SMMMM they're literally so cute omfg i hope we can build YK A FRIENDSHIP W HIM it'll be very nice as he's literally so adorable<3


If only we can romance the Eldritch, maybe because he(they?) had more exposure but I liked him(them?). Also, the pronouns are all over the place. Does everyone(I mean some) have a second set of pronouns? Because they/them are also used a lot despite identified as either she/he. Made me confused who was being referred to.

Annnd I know it's just chapter 1 but I find myself not caring about other ROs. I like Alzurahm.

Also, please don't tell me the story is going with MC 'adventuring' with these people. But then again I guess it had to be, since it'll be hard to actually score some romance points with those ROs.

Well the story is pretty good though! I'll patiently wait just for my Eldritch. Is it really not possible for Alzurahm to be one of the RO?


You aren't the only who wants to romance Alzurahm, but sadly they are not romanceable 😔 and yes Alzurahm uses he/they pronouns! As for everyone having second sets of pronouns, that shouldn't be the case? You can set two of the ROs to they/them pronouns but aside from that there haven't been much people introduced just yet that use those pronouns.

pls make the next part fast i can't wait for it. u r rlly talented btw


This was exciting to read omg I cant wait for the next part


Awwww why why must we stop at the climax of the story🙀

Also waiting for more!👍


ahhh im dead o-<--<

its too good i don't have the patience to wait for the next update T-T 


That's it. I'm sold. You got me bad.

I'm already loving the game and be waiting for the updates (no pressure tho ❤️).


This is so good, really looking forward to chapter 2!




A Turg Pickens tattoo?!?! I was so thrilled when I saw that, I’m glad to find another person in the wild who’s likely as addicted to Kevin’s Sims videos as I am.

The game’s awesome, by the way. I can’t wait for the next chapters!



I just finished the demo - it was so good! I can't wait to read more ^-^ Thanks for your amazing work!

My pronouns don't save when i set them, how do i save them?

When setting your pronouns, there should be a next button below the preset options! That should take you back to the customisation page with your pronouns now set!


Thank you!

(1 edit) (+2)

this is amazing!! I can’t wait for the next update :D

(3 edits) (+3)

I'm interested in this and will check it out after a few more updates, but there's something that confuses me. 

It strongly feels like I'm reading a second or even third book in the series and that I'm supposed to know who are all the characters and their relationships with the world around them and with each other.

Otherwise, good luck with your work!

(1 edit) (+2)

This is amazing. A masterpiece.


This was the most amazing game I ever played, and I look forward to seeing the full release


Oh this is goooood :0

it's been a while since I played a story game that pulled me in and itrigued me so much, well done! I can't wait to play the full game.

one thing I have to point out is that it seemed to have trouble with pronouns? like, it would almost always say $they or $them or just a big ass red error message. Other than that, it all worked really well!

Ah, you might have forgotten to set your pronouns in the beginning of the game! Itshould be the first thing you see when customising your MC!

I did set them though? I put they pronouns.

Hm, that's strange I don't seem to be getting the same error you do? It seems to be working fine on my end 😭

huh, weird.


How do I skip past all the text to get to the game?


What do you mean? The game *is* text. This is an entirely text-based game.


It's good yeah.....Its good


Just finished the demo and oh my god, haven't been so hyped for a wip for so long. The cliffhanger is absolutely brutal, how can you be so cruel?!

Just kidding though. Thank you so much for writing this, and I absolutely cannot wait for the next update!

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